This is Documentation for the V1 API

V2 API docmentation is located at


Get a list of Orders

Get a list of all orders for a customer account.

GET Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "shop_shipping_method_text":"Priority Mail",
    "ship_method":"USPS Priority Mail",
    "shipping_address_1":"1800 Hemlock St.",
    "shipping_city":"Beverley Hills",
    "shipping_country":"United States",
    "shipping_name":"Bill Murray",
    "approximate_delivery_date": "2013-06-07",
        "description":"Gray Dress Pant Yoga Pants (Straight-Leg) - X-Small Petite",


limit Integer The number of orders returned. Default is 50
status Integer/Array Show orders matching the specified status(es). You may specify multiple statuses.
offset/page Integer Page to show (defaults to 1)
order_by String Order (defaults to updated_at DESC
since_id Integer Restrict results to after the specified ID
provider String Show orders matching the specified provider
originator_group String Show orders matching the specified originator group
reference String Reference name or number--this is usually the originator_id--but may include an exchange/replace/split suffix
created_at_min Datetime Show orders created after date (format: 2008-01-01 03:00)
created_at_max Datetime Show orders created before date (format: 2008-01-01 03:00)
updated_at_min Datetime Show orders last updated after date (format: 2008-01-01 03:00)
updated_at_max Datetime Show orders last updated before date (format: 2008-01-01 03:00)
shipping_country String/Array Show orders matching a given shipping country code. You may specify multiple country codes.
shipping_country_not String/Array Show orders NOT matching a given shipping country code. You may specify multiple country codes.
item_availability String Select orders by item availability.

Order Count

Get the total number of orders for a customer account.

GET Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK


status Integer/Array Show orders matching the specified status(es). You may specify multiple statuses.
since_id Integer Restrict results to after the specified ID
provider String Show orders matching the specified provider
originator_group String Show orders matching the specified originator group
reference String Reference name or number--this is usually the originator_id--but may include an exchange/replace/split suffix
created_at_min Datetime Show orders created after date (format: 2008-01-01 03:00)
created_at_max Datetime Show orders created before date (format: 2008-01-01 03:00)
updated_at_min Datetime Show orders last updated after date (format: 2008-01-01 03:00)
updated_at_max Datetime Show orders last updated before date (format: 2008-01-01 03:00)
shipping_country String/Array Show orders matching a given shipping country code. You may specify multiple country codes.
shipping_country_not String/Array Show orders NOT matching a given shipping country code. You may specify multiple country codes.
item_availability String Select orders by item availability.

Get a single Order

Get an order using its Whiplash ID

GET{order-id}View Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "shop_shipping_method_text":"Priority Mail",
  "ship_method":"USPS Priority Mail",
  "shipping_address_1":"1800 Hemlock St.",
  "shipping_city":"Beverley Hills",
  "shipping_country":"United States",
  "shipping_name":"Bill Murray",
  "approximate_delivery_date": "2013-06-07",
      "description":"Gray Dress Pant Yoga Pants (Straight-Leg) - X-Small Petite",

Get a single Order using a custom Originator ID

Orders received via an e-commerce platform or our API also store the incoming ID as the originator_id. You can find and update using this ID as well.

GET{originator-id}View Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "shop_shipping_method_text":"Priority Mail",
  "ship_method":"USPS Priority Mail",
  "shipping_address_1":"1800 Hemlock St.",
  "shipping_city":"Beverley Hills",
  "shipping_country":"United States",
  "shipping_name":"Bill Murray",
  "approximate_delivery_date": "2013-06-07",
      "description":"Gray Dress Pant Yoga Pants (Straight-Leg) - X-Small Petite",

Create an Order

POST Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "shop_shipping_method_text":"Priority Mail",
  "ship_method":"USPS Priority Mail",
  "shipping_address_1":"1800 Hemlock St.",
  "shipping_city":"Beverley Hills",
  "shipping_country":"United States",
  "shipping_name":"Bill Murray",
  "approximate_delivery_date": "2013-06-07",
      "description":"Gray Dress Pant Yoga Pants (Straight-Leg) - X-Small Petite",


shipping_name String Shipping recipient's name (required)
shipping_company String Shipping company name (optional)
shipping_address_1 String Street Address 1 (required)
shipping_address_2 String Street Address 2 (optional)
shipping_city String Shipping city (required)
shipping_state String State or Province (if applicable)
shipping_country String Shipping country (2 digit ISO format)
shipping_zip String Shipping postal code (required)
email String Shipping recipient's e-mail address (required)
return_address_1 String Return Street Address 1 (optional)
return_address_2 String Return Street Address 2 (optional)
return_city String Return city (optional)
return_company String Return company (optional)
return_name String Return name (optional)
return_country String Return country (optional)
return_phone String Return phone (optional)
return_email String Return email (optional)
return_state String Return state (optional)
return_zip String Return postal code (optional)
return_company String Return company (optional)
public_note String A note to be displayed on the order's packing slip (optional)
shipping_phone String Shipping phone number (optional)
ship_notes String Additional shipping instructions (optional)
shop_shipping_method_text String Desired shipping method (optional)
shop_shipping_method_price String What the end consumer paid for shipping (optional)
shop_shipping_method_currency String The currency the shipping was paid in (optional)
shop_created_at Datetime When this order was placed in the originating shop (optional)
shop_updated_at Datetime When this order was last updated in the originating shop (optional)
shop_warehouse_id Integer Which warehouse should this ship from (optional)
days_in_transit Integer Number of days to release an order prior to its Street Date (optional)
originator_id String The order's ID in your system (you can use this to find the order - optional)
proto_originator_id String The order's ID in your system for a separated or replacement order (you can use this to find the order - optional)
insure Boolean Do you want to purchase insurance for this order? (optional - default is false)
insurance_value Decimal Amount to insure this order for (optional)
require_signature Boolean Do you want to require a signature on receipt for this order? (optional - default is false)
saturday_delivery Boolean Do you require a Saturday delivery window? (optional - default is false)
gift String Is this order a gift (for customs declaration - default is false)
address_verified Boolean Is the shipping address verified? (optional)
address_message String Message giving additional information about the shipping address (optional)
require_adult_signature Boolean Do you want to require an adult signature on receipt for this order? (optional - default is false)
contains_alcohol Boolean Does the order contain alcohol? (optional - default is false)
ship_3rdparty_zip String The account zip code for third party billing for postage (optional)
ship_3rdparty_country String The account country for third party billing for postage (optional)
ship_3rdparty_account String The account number for third party billing for postage (optional)
incoterm String EXW - Ex Works; FCA - Free Carrier; CPT - Carriage Paid To; CIP - Carriage and Insurance Paid to; DAT - Delivered At Terminal; DAP - Delivered At Place; DDP - Delivered Duty Paid; FAS - Free Alongside Ship; FOB - Free on Board; CFR - Cost and Freight; CIF - Cost
order_items Array The items in this order (see Order Items API for formatting)

Update an Order

Note: Orders may only be updated before they have been shipped (status < 300).

Note: Once an order is created, you should edit and add order items individually.

PUT{order-id}View Response
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


shipping_name String Shipping recipient's name (required)
shipping_company String Shipping company name (optional)
shipping_address_1 String Street Address 1 (required)
shipping_address_2 String Street Address 2 (optional)
shipping_city String Shipping city (required)
shipping_state String State or Province (if applicable)
shipping_country String Shipping country (2 digit ISO format)
shipping_zip String Shipping postal code (required)
email String Shipping recipient's e-mail address (required)
return_address_1 String Return Street Address 1 (optional)
return_address_2 String Return Street Address 2 (optional)
return_city String Return city (optional)
return_company String Return company (optional)
return_name String Return name (optional)
return_country String Return country (optional)
return_phone String Return phone (optional)
return_email String Return email (optional)
return_state String Return state (optional)
return_zip String Return postal code (optional)
return_company String Return company (optional)
public_note String A note to be displayed on the order's packing slip (optional)
shipping_phone String Shipping phone number (optional)
ship_notes String Additional shipping instructions (optional)
shop_shipping_method_text String Desired shipping method (optional)
shop_shipping_method_price String What the end consumer paid for shipping (optional)
shop_shipping_method_currency String The currency the shipping was paid in (optional)
shop_created_at Datetime When this order was placed in the originating shop (optional)
shop_updated_at Datetime When this order was last updated in the originating shop (optional)
shop_warehouse_id Integer Which warehouse should this ship from (optional)
days_in_transit Integer Number of days to release an order prior to its Street Date (optional)
days_in_transit_carrier_estimate Integer Estimated number of days from shipping to delivery (optional)
originator_id String The order's ID in your system (you can use this to find the order - optional)
proto_originator_id String The order's ID in your system for a separated or replacement order (you can use this to find the order - optional)
insure Boolean Do you want to purchase insurance for this order? (optional - default is false)
insurance_value Decimal Amount to insure this order for (optional)
require_signature Boolean Do you want to require a signature on receipt for this order? (optional - default is false)
saturday_delivery Boolean Do you require a Saturday delivery window? (optional - default is false)
gift String Is this order a gift (for customs declaration - default is false)
address_verified Boolean Is the shipping address verified? (optional)
address_message String Message giving additional information about the shipping address (optional)
require_adult_signature Boolean Do you want to require an adult signature on receipt for this order? (optional - default is false)
contains_alcohol Boolean Does the order contain alcohol? (optional - default is false)
ship_3rdparty_zip String The account zip code for third party billing for postage (optional)
ship_3rdparty_country String The account country for third party billing for postage (optional)
ship_3rdparty_account String The account number for third party billing for postage (optional)
incoterm String EXW - Ex Works; FCA - Free Carrier; CPT - Carriage Paid To; CIP - Carriage and Insurance Paid to; DAT - Delivered At Terminal; DAP - Delivered At Place; DDP - Delivered Duty Paid; FAS - Free Alongside Ship; FOB - Free on Board; CFR - Cost and Freight; CIF - Cost
order_items Array The items in this order (see Order Items API for formatting)

Cancel an Order

Note: Orders may only be cancelled before they have been shipped (status < 300).

PUT{order-id}/cancelView Response
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Un-Cancel an Order

Note: Orders may only be un-cancelled if they are cancelled (status = 40).

PUT{order-id}/uncancelView Response
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Pause an Order

Note: Orders may only be paused before they have been shipped (status < 300).

PUT{order-id}/pauseView Response
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Release (Unpause) an Order

Unpause a currently paused order.

PUT{order-id}/releaseView Response
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Anonymize an Order

Anonymize an order's end consumer data, per GDPR guidelines.

PUT{order-id}/anonymizeView Response
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Get an Order's Packages

A Shipped order will have one ore more packages.

NOTE: Orders that haven't shipped yet (status < 300) will return a 403 response and an error message.

GET{order-id}/packagesView Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Get an Order's Fees

A Shipped order will have fees incurred.

NOTE: Orders that haven't shipped yet (status < 300) will return a 403 response and an error message.

GET{order-id}/feesView Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Order Statuses

All orders will have one of the following statuses:

30Shipped Externally
45Closed by Originator
75Pending Return
77Return Verified
95Insufficient Inventory
155Prepacking in Progress
200Label Scheduled for Purchase
250Label Purchased
325Picked Up
375Return Expired
380Replacement Cancelled
400Returned Undeliverable
410Replacement Requested
450Refund Requested

Shipping Methods

All orders will have one of the following Shipping Methods:

APC Priority International
APC parcelConnectPriorityDDPDelcon
Asendia ePacket Elite
Asendia ePacket Plus
Asendia ePacket Select
AustraliaPost ExpressPost
AustraliaPost ExpressPostSignature
AustraliaPost ParcelPost
AustraliaPost ParcelPostExtra
AustraliaPost ParcelPostSignature
AustraliaPost ParcelPostWinePlusSignature
Axlehire Next Day
Axlehire Same Day
CanadaPost Expedited Parcel
CanadaPost Expedited Parcel USA
CanadaPost International Parcel Service
CanadaPost Priority
CanadaPost Priority Worldwide Envelope International
CanadaPost Priority Worldwide Envelope USA
CanadaPost Priority Worldwide Pak International
CanadaPost Priority Worldwide Pak USA
CanadaPost Priority Worldwide Parcel USA
CanadaPost Small Packet International Air
CanadaPost Small Packet USA Air
CanadaPost Tracked Packet International
CanadaPost Tracked Packet USA
CanadaPost Xpresspost
CanadaPost Xpresspost International
CanadaPost Xpresspost USA
CanadaPost regularparcel
DHL Domestic Express
DHL Express Economy Select
DHL Express Worldwide
DHL Domestic Express 1200
DHL Express Easy Non Doc (Intl)
DHL Express Worldwide Ecx
DHL Express1200 Non Doc
DHLGlobalMailInternational(Legacy) International Standard DDU
DHLeCommerce SM Marketing Parcel Expedited
DPDUK Air Classic International Air
DPDUK Air Express International Air
DPDUK ExpressPackClassic
DPDUK ExpressPackClassic
DPDUK Parcel Dpd Classic Int
DPDUK Parcel Dpd Next Day
DPDUK Parcel Dpd Next Day Int
DPDUK Parcel Dpd Two Day
DPDUK Parcel Dpd Two Day Int
DPDUK Parcel Saturday 12
DPDUK ParcelDpdClassicDT1
Dhl ecommerce International Direct
Dhl ecommerce International Standard
DhlEcs DHLParcelExpedited
DhlEcs DHLParcelExpeditedMax
DhlEcs DHLParcelGround
DhlEcs International Direct v4
DhlEcs International Standard v4
FedEx 2 Day
FedEx 2 Day (Intl)
FedEx Express Saver
FedEx Express Saver (Intl)
FedEx Ground
FedEx Ground (Intl)
FedEx Ground Economy
FedEx Ground Home Delivery
FedEx International Connect Plus
FedEx International Economy
FedEx International Economy
FedEx International Priority
FedEx International Priority
FedEx Priority
FedEx Priority Overnight
FedEx Priority Overnight (Intl)
FedEx SameDay City Economy
FedEx Standard Overnight
FedEx Standard Overnight (Intl)
FedExSmartPost SmartPost
GSO CaliforniaParcelService
GSO EarlyPriorityOvernight
GSO EarlySaturdayService
GSO Ground
GSO PriorityOvernight
GSO SaturdayDeliveryService
Globale Global-E
Globale Global-E Express
Globegistics E Com Tracked Ddp
OmniParcel Domestic Standard
OmniParcel E Commerce Express Tracked
OmniParcel E Commerce Standard Tracked
PassportGlobal Economy
PassportGlobal Priority Duties Paid
PassportGlobal Priority Tracked DDU
RoyalMail 24
RoyalMail 48
RoyalMail INTL Large Letter (DG4)
RoyalMail International Business Parcels Bespoke Postal (DW1)
RoyalMail International Business Parcels Tracked Country (MP7)
SmartKargo Ecommerce Priority
UPS Standard (Intl)
UPS Economy Mail Innovations
UPS Expedited Mail Innovations
UPS Ground
UPS Next Day Air
UPS Next Day Air Saver
UPS Priority Mail Innovations
UPS Second Day Air
UPS Second Day Air A.M.
UPS Standard
UPS SurePost Over 1 LB
UPS SurePost Under 1 lb
UPS Three Day Select
UPS Worldwide Expedited (intl)
UPS Worldwide Express
UPS Worldwide Express Plus
UPS Worldwide Saver
UPS Worldwide Saver (intl)
UPSi-Parcel UPSIparcel
USPS Express Mail
USPS Express Mail International
USPS First Class Mail
USPS First Class Mail International
USPS First Class Package International
USPS Ground Advantage
USPS Media Mail
USPS Parcel Select
USPS Priority Mail
USPS Priority Mail International
USPSScanBasedReturns USPS Return Label First Class
USPSScanBasedReturns USPS Return Label Priority
Veho Expedited
Whiplash Cheapest 1 Day or Better
Whiplash Cheapest 1 Day or Better (International)
Whiplash Cheapest 2 Days or Better
Whiplash Cheapest 2 Days or Better (International)
Whiplash Cheapest 3 Days or Better
Whiplash Cheapest 3 Days or Better (International)
Whiplash Cheapest 5 Days or Better
Whiplash Cheapest 5 Days or Better (International)
Whiplash Cheapest 7 Days or Better
Whiplash Cheapest 7 Days or Better (International)
Whiplash Cheapest Expedited
Whiplash Cheapest Expedited (International)
Whiplash Cheapest Rate
Whiplash Cheapest Rate (International)
Whiplash Cheapest Tracked
Whiplash Cheapest Tracked (International)
Whiplash Customer Provided Label
Whiplash Customer Provided Label (intl)
Whiplash Global-E International Pickup
Whiplash Pick Up
Whiplash Pick Up (Intl)

Item Availability

Orders can be selected based upon the following item availability:

allall items are available
anyat least one item is available
mixedat least one item is available, and at least one is not available
noneno items are available


You can select orders based on the provider (i.e. commerce platform like Shopify, Magento, etc).

Sometimes, when an order is replaced or is split into multiple orders, the provider is set to whiplash:XXXX. You may filter by these as well. We use many of these internally, but the following may be helpful:

NOTE: Orders with a whiplash provider will typically have an originator_id pointing to a whiplash order.

whiplash:replaceThe order was replaced-- either because the original failed to arrive at its destination, or because there was a problem with the order. The original order retains its original originator_id.
whiplash:exchangeThe order was an exchange. The original order retains its original originator_id.
whiplash:separateAn order was created by splitting an item from an existing order. The original order retains its original originator_id.
whiplashThis will grab the above two providers, as well any order that was created manually in whiplash.

Originator Group

While you will typically look up orders via their Whiplash id or their originator_id, occasionally one order will be split into several orders, will be exchanged, or will be replaced. In this case, all of the new orders will have been originated by the first, and their originator_group_id will be the original order's Whiplash id.

Split will not have an originator_id. And their provider will be whiplash:separate

Additionally, replacement and separated orders will have a distinct proto_originator_id field. This is the replacement or separated order's original order id in your system.